
401k Update & Contribution Increase — 8 Comments

  1. Nice charts! Keep on turning the savings screw, so if this month you’re doing fine with your 2% increase, increase it again by another 1% a month til it hurts and then stop and readjust!


    • The only one that I know to be bonds is the JP Morgan, but I could be totally wrong. If that’s what you’re talking about, then I just wanted to spread things out and get some at lower prices. If I’m totally wrong and have others too, please let me know. :-)

  2. Yes, I meant to say why so much in stocks…. I think the allocation is much improved. Some of the funds have high expense ratios (ALCCX is 2%).. are your choices limited by the 401K plan?

    • Yep, there are only about 12 or so that we can choose from, but that’s okay. We’re trying to build up our Roth IRA this year too. We won’t rely just on the 401k. Also, I’ve got a ton to learn about all this stuff. :-)