Money & Goals: Weekly Update #4

What a crazy week it has been.

Weekly Spending:

Entire payperiod:

Income: $1,347.72
Pre-tax 401k contributions (1%): $18.00
Roth IRA contributions: $25.00
Saved for car insurance: $25.00
Other Savings: $54.83


2013 Goals Progress:

Goal #1 Save up the cash for a 2nd Car

weekly car savings update 3 15 13Aside from my automatic transfers to save for a second car, we only saved an additional $4.83. That’s it, just our leftovers. I’m really starting to doubt (even more than before) that we’ll be able to meet this savings goal on time.

On top of that, I’m not sure that $13,000 is going to be enough to get what I really want. I guess it’s not what I really want, I’d much rather get a humvee or something crazy like that. 😉

More of a “what’ll still be great” is what I meant. I spent most of last week really looking at what’s out there and it’s not looking good. To get an SUV with crazy low miles and only a couple years old, I’m going to need more than $13,000.

I feel like I’m being really picky about our second car, but I also feel like that’s important to do.

Goal #2 Minimize, Digitize, Organize and Go Paperless

Absolutely no progress whatsoever this last week. I was too busy with everything else going on to even think about this. I’ve probably actually even gone a little backwards in this area, there are piles of papers in my inbox and I’ve just been shoving stuff into random places.

Goal #3 Take Time For Myself

Not even close. I pretty much let everything go this last week, even our house is a bit messy. But there’s only so much time, if I spend it obsessively on other things, other areas are going to suffer.

Last week’s mini goals:

1) Take the pictures of our backyard! It only takes a minute, I don’t know what my problem is FAIL
2) Scan 20 items FAIL
3) Read 2 chapters in a fun book FAIL
4) Make a list of things I can do to earn some freelance income online (not staff writing though, since I suck at writing) FAIL
5) Exercise at least once, I really need to get back into it FAIL

Mini goals for this week:

1) take pictures!
2) clean the house until it sparkles
3) catch up on replying to comments
4) do a chicken freezer cooking session
5) tidy up my desk


How did you do last week?
Are you working toward any goals?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Money & Goals: Weekly Update #4 — 2 Comments