My Current Blog Stats and How I Can Improve

Lately I’ve been noticing a lot of blogs talking about their page views and stats. Something hit me—I had no clue what my blog stats were at all. When it comes to this whole world of blogging I am totally clueless; I can write up a post but there’s so much more to it all.

So, I thought I would check it all out and start tracking my stats and share them here. I am fully aware that most bloggers don’t really share their stats until they look good, but I’m not like most bloggers.

Painful honesty is my gift and I don’t mind sharing my inadequacies, especially if they might help somebody else out one day. If the idea of this is totally boring and unimportant to you, please feel free to ignore this and check out some other stuff like: Earning Online or Saving Money or read about some of my financial screw-ups here or here.

Google PageRank = 0
Alexa Rank = 1,765,172
Yahoo Backlinks = 176

A big fat zero for my Google PageRank can’t be good, I don’t really know what that is yet. The Alexa Rank totally freaked me out because I do know that the lower the number the better. After searching around a bit, I did find about 40 other personal finance blogs with a worse Alexa Rank than mine. :-)

I’m pretty sure they only count the visits to my site from people who are using the Alexa toolbar. Yahoo Backlinks sounds like how many links to my blog are found on other people’s sites or blogs. All of this information was gathered for free from here.

Total Page views = 15,457
May 2011 Page views = 7,569
June 2011 Page views = 3,017

Feedburner subscribers = 26

May was like half of my all-time page views and then it goes down. Hopefully I won’t get less in July, but since July is about 3/4 over I guess there will be another decline. :-( This information was taken from my Feedburner account and my Sitemeter account. If you have a blog, you can get a free Sitemeter for your blog.

Website Grade = 83 out of 100
MozRank = 3.2
Blog Grade = 95 out of 100

This info was pulled from 2 free services, Website Grader and Blog Grader. They gave some tips about things I’m doing right and wrong, so that’s pretty cool. Here’s a quick version of their tips:

Bad Stuff:

My homepage doesn’t have a Meta Description (whatever that it)
Too many images on my homepage (this include smiley and stuff too)
I don’t have a twitter account nor do I have followers
I don’t have a FaceBook account nor do I have followers/friends/whatever they’re called
I don’t have an email subscription for people (no clue even how to do that)
Some of my post titles aren’t very unique (like my “Where Did The Dough Go?” posts) I could switch these up somehow.
They also mentioned that my average post length is 395 words and should be longer unless I post often. I wonder what often is, is it 6 times per week like I do? Maybe it’s referring to those people who post multiple times each day. I thought my posts were already pretty long.

Good Stuff:

Readability level is low so that almost everybody should be able to read and understand (of course aside from my gibberish sometimes)
My Headings are good (not sure what this is about)
I’ve owned my domain ( for a little over a year and own it for about 4 more years. This shows that it’s a serious site and not some spam site or whatnot.
I have an RSS feed
I have a way for people to “tweet” and “like” my posts (that thing at the bottom of my posts with the money bag)
I don’t have my blog over at WordPress (the free kind, I actually pay money to have it hosted at ♥BlueHost♥, which is totally worth it because of all the control I have over it opposed to the free one’s at WordPress).
Apparently all my post meta-descriptions are the right length. Maybe that’s the couple I tried out with the new SEO knowledge I’m slowing learning?
I’ve posted in the last week (like 6 times)
I have enough links in my posts
I have the right amount of images in posts (these include smiley’s too)

That’s a ton of stuff and I bet there’s way more to this blogging stuff. Don’t worry, the updates related to this won’t be as crazy long as this was, this is just the first and I wanted to lay it all out.


Anybody else track their blog stats? Will this ever get less-confusing?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS

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