Sublime Saturday Assemblage #10

Happy Saturday everybody!


Fabulous Findings:

 Three life lessons on turning your dream into reality at Move To Portugal
 Ten Tips to Note When Buying Land in Barbados at Odd Cents
 8 Questions to ask when buying a car at Personal Finance Whiz
 3 ways your boss can kill you at Aaron Hung
Finding the Right Property Manager
at 20’s Finances


I still haven’t submitted to any carnivals, I guess I’m taking October off. Just trying to get back in the swing of things and create a more productive way to get stuff done.

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Sublime Saturday Assemblage #10 — 10 Comments