Where Did The Dough Go? #6

Here’s the skinny on our incoming and outgoing money for June 10th to June 16th:

$34.58 (Fred Meyer- groceries)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to ING savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

No spend day :-)

No spend day :-)

No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to ING savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to ING savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to ING savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)


No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to ING savings)

-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Total Weekly Spending: $49.58


Savings $5.00
Groceries $34.58
Save 4 Car insurance $10.00

$$$ Entire Paycheck Totals $$$

Income: $1,238.47
Spending: $1,234.85


Savings $79.23
Rent & Bills- $770.00
Entertainment- $17.91
Groceries $85.96
Gas $43.69
Alcohol $28.64
Dining Out $60.64
Cigarettes $78.78
Other $50.00
Save 4 Car insurance $20.00

Pre-tax 401K Contributions: $103.10

Notes: We came in under-budget by $3.62 (which will be transferred to our savings tonight) , it was so close. After last week’s spending we had only $53.20 to last us this whole week. We didn’t dine out at all and bought groceries instead. I didn’t like this week at all, it really sucked. I’m pretty proud of us for not eating out at all, I’m hoping to keep it up so that we never have another week like this again. We should save dining out for special occasions instead of all the time.


How did your budget go this week?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Where Did The Dough Go? #6 — 3 Comments

  1. Bravo! Sounds like the eating part is what made it suck…hopefully once you get the feel for cooking it won’t be so bad!

    • @Nick- thanks. It’s crazy how much we depended on eating out, even though we felt better eating at home. Weird Stuff. I’m still reeling that we made it under-budget—I was stressed all week. I hope your budget (if u have one) went well this last week. :-)

  2. It went very well…although now that my (and hopefully you two’s as well) beloved M’s are playing some great ball, this could be one LONG summer!