Potential Savings Goal: A Second Car

saving goal second carLiving so far out has isolated me from the world and is driving me nuts. I need want NEED a car or I am going to die…seriously. I know that not having a second saves us money, but it’s not really worth it anymore. I’m sick of waiting for my husband’s day off and then having to swap spending time with him to get groceries and run other errands.

Logically you would think I could just run to the grocery store at least after he gets home from work. But I can’t. A week or two after we moved in, I went to get some groceries after he got home from work (late evening). Lucky me, two guys decided to follow me home and that really creeped me out. I remember them watching me put my groceries in the car and figured it was just a coincidence that they left right after me.

Of course they stayed back a ways as to not seem like they were following me, but I knew they were. So I did what any reasonable “real life grown-up” would do and turned down a strange, unfamiliar road to see if they followed me (and to avoid them knowing where I lived). Well wasn’t that interesting, they turned too. Then I started taking turn after turn, actually going in circles (or squares really) and so did they. Freaky!

I can’t remember if it was 12 or 15 turns, it was a couple of months ago now, but either one is way too many. They were obviously following me, so I finally hauled ass to the main road…I was probably going like 50mph in a quiet neighborhood. I turned to go home and sped like crazy to get there and turned the car off ASAP.

So maybe I’m being a great big scardy cat, but that’s okay—they really freaked me out and I don’t want to deal with that sh*t again. There also seems to be a lot of deliverance people skulking around and I do have a purty mouth.

Back to the car, sorry. I want to pay cash for a car that gets good gas mileage and isn’t very used. I would love to get one with under 50k miles on it, but I might just be dreaming. I don’t want to get a really used one because I have the worst luck and something big would go wrong that we couldn’t afford to fix.

I’m sure I’ll lower my expectations as time goes by out of desperation, but for now gently used sounds best. Originally, I had wanted an SUV because they’re big and cozy, will fit tons of stuff and would be much better for my back. Honestly, I won’t be able to get one and they use more gas.

So I’m hoping to get something like a Kia Sportage. It’s kinda like an SUV but smaller. Maybe I won’t be able to afford that either, but it does get me excited about saving money.

I know there seems to be a whole I want, I want, I want theme going on, between getting a second car and the bathroom makeover, but I can’t help it. I know that the money isn’t going to magically fall out the sky or anything. It’s going to take sacrifices and hardcore saving to be able to get these in the next year, but I’m up for the challenge.

We have already changed our Christmas ways to save money this year, so that will help a lot. I just need to stay focused and keep saving, even though there seems to be a hundred things pulling at our money right now. Oh, I forgot to mention the other stuff; I’m sure you get the idea though. :-)

Hopefully I can stay strong and not end up getting a car loan because I’m so impatient. It would solve the immediate problem (2nd car) but would create other issues almost immediately. You never know though, if I actually save up enough money to pay cash for an almost new car, I might not be able to give it all away. It’s so different when you actually have the cash in your hands, which is what I would do to get the best possible deal. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Husband thinks that getting a second car should be the first priority. Since we only have one car and there is absolutely no public transportation out here, he wouldn’t be able to get to work if something happened.

He’s the one with a job, so it’s pretty important to make sure he can get there. Not to mention that just missing one day of work could be detrimental to our budget.

Plus it would also be nice not having to walk in the rain/snow/ice/freezing cold to get our daughter to and from school. Or just anywhere in general. We’ve already had to pass up on a few free school activities because I couldn’t get across town to pick her up.

Now we just need to decide between the bathroom makeover or second car, along with all the other things we want to do. I better figure it out soon because I need to get my goals ready for 2013.

What would you choose? 2nd car or bathroom makeover?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Potential Savings Goal: A Second Car — 23 Comments

  1. Scary stuff! We’re a one car family but I know that will change. Right now our schedules are ok and we’re not at the point of needing a 2nd vehicle yet but when kiddo gets older, and more involved in stuff I know we’ll need another. Since I can foresee this it gives us time to save. We’re looking at probably 3 years out. It seems like you really want the 2nd vehicle, I vote it over bathroom.
    Catherine recently posted..Buh-Bye 2012, Welcome 2013!My Profile

    • The Safeway here delivers, but everything is marked up even though they charge for delivery. Also you can’t use coupons or check the expiration dates (things expire really soon at our Safeway). Still, it would solve the grocery shopping issue, but it would probably double the amount we spend on groceries.
      Jen Perkins recently posted..How To Decide Which Financial Goal To Tackle FirstMy Profile

  2. I had an incident like that happen to me in college. A guy sped up as I was changing lanes and I almost hit him. He followed me off the highway, to the post office where I decided not to stop, through a development where I started making random turns, all the way until I pulled into a police station where he decided to keep going instead of following me.

    If you get a second car so you can shop while your husband is at work, doesn’t that just mean that if somebody follows you home, they are following you home to an empty house?

    You could always get him to buy the groceries. I have a buddy who does this. He gets his shopping done on Monday nights after work.
    Edward Antrobus recently posted..And the Winner of the $3k Challenge is…My Profile

    • Yeah, it would mean an empty home—but I think the chances of getting followed are higher when it’s dark out. At least in my experience.

      I wish I could get him to do the grocery shopping, that would be awesome. He doesn’t really like to go anywhere, especially after work when he’s all covered in black stuff (I’m not sure if it’s oil or tar or something else).

      Plus, he isn’t really allowed to go grocery shopping. He has this talent of fitting $200 worth of groceries into one of those handbaskets. No shit.

      Not to mention that whenever he goes with me to the grocery store (so rare), we end up spending twice as much. I hate grocery shopping, but it saves us so much money when I do it. :-)
      Jen Perkins recently posted..Changing Our Christmas Ways To Get AheadMy Profile

  3. depending on what city you live in.. a 2nd car may be an absolutely necessity.. some cities are just so spread out, that without a car, you are unable to run even the simplest of errands..

    a new bathroom remodel sure would be nice tho!.. i’m hoping to pull a magic bunny out of a hat to make that dream a reality for us this year!
    jefferson @SeeDebtRun recently posted..How to Stop Biting Your NailsMy Profile

  4. I hate being stuck. Money is supposed to help us to live easier so I vote for the car.

    When my sons were young and it was very cold and snowy, like today, I would drive to the mall so they could walk from one end of the mall to the other several times. They would burn some energy and it would help prevent cabin fever. The only money spent was for the gas.
    Jane Savers @ The Money Puzzle recently posted..2013 – Goals Instead Of WishesMy Profile

  5. That’s crazy stuff. I like what Edward said he did, in his comment above, to get the people to leave him alone.

    Maybe it’s that story you shared that influences my opinion, but I say go for the 2nd car. Mobility is key, especially as a parent. The bathroom is certainly a legitimate thing to want to have redone, but I’m guessing the greater impact on life will be with having a 2nd car.
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