Another Place to Get Your Credit Score for Free

Just the other day, I posted about my credit score increasing. It reminded me, that Credit Karma isn’t the only place online that you can get a free credit score. For months, I’ve been meaning to check out Credit Sesame and see how I like them.

It took me like 3 minutes, seriously, to sign-up with Credit Sesame. They didn’t ask for any credit card, and it’s not a trial kind of thing either. It’s completely free. The first thing I noticed about Credit Sesame is that my credit score is 1 point higher (763) than it is with Credit Karma. That certainly made me like them.

I went back over to Credit Karma and updated my score to see if it was 763 with them, like maybe it increased in the last couple of days. Nope, it didn’t. credit sesame

The second thing I noticed about Credit Sesame, was that they give out little badges. Earning badges makes it a bit more fun than earning none at all. I earned the Excellent Badge because my credit score is above 740. They also have a couple of other badges you can earn. The badges available to earn are:

Verified Member

So far, Credit Sesame seems great. It’s quick, easy and free—plus they try to make credit scores a bit more fun with the ability to earn badges. I know it might seem weird so get my credit score from 2 different places, but I’m not paying either of them anything and it’s nice to see the different information offered by both sites. :-) Here’s my badge:

my credit sesame excellent badge

Have you tried out Credit Sesame yet?
Is there anything you particularly like/dislike about them?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Another Place to Get Your Credit Score for Free — 14 Comments

  1. That’s an interesting marketing gimmick to state your credit score is 1 point higher than through other sources. I’m sure it gets people to like them more. Still, 1 point is very minor. As long as it is free and easy to use, it sounds like it is worth checking out.

    • I know 1 little point isn’t that big of a deal, but it still makes me a bit happy—I can’t help it. They definitely earned my favor. :-)

  2. I’ve tried out both Credit Sesame and Credit Karma, and I believe they both work great!

    I’m not crazy about consistently keeping track of my credit score, but I do believe they’re valuable tools/services and it’s a GREAT bonus that they’re FREE!

    Anybody that wants to get a handle on their finances/credit scores needs to be using one of those services.

    • I agree, they’re a great way to keep an eye on your credit score…and free. :-) I’m not too crazy about tracking my score, I usually try to check it once a month though. It helps to keep it fresh in my mind.