Cutting our Expenses- My Cellphone?

Lately, I’ve been considering ways to lower my cellphone bill. We currently pay $50 a month, which isn’t that bad compared to what a lot of others are paying.

Still, considering how much we actually use it; it’s not all that great. I’m more of a texter and emailer kind of person, talking on the phone just seems like a waste of time mostly. Since we don’t have a land-line, we have to at least have a cellphone.

For $600 a year, it really doesn’t feel like it’s worth it. Even if I could cut that in half, we’d be saving $300 a year. That $300 could go towards our financial goals or even just something fun, like a weekend at the beach.

I don’t need data on my phone, I’ve been fine without it. It would be nice to be able to send some texts, but I don’t have to. :-( I’ve been peeking around at the pre-paid no-contract phones, but it seems like you have to keep adding cards (airtime) to them to keep them active. I’d like to be able to roll-over my minutes and just use whatever we need to for the month. I’m just not really sure about it all, I’ve always had a contract.

My current phone, Samsung Gravity 2, isn’t really a “fancy” phone (at least not compared to my ♥Blackberry♥) and that’s okay. I’ll be perfectly fine with their really cheap ones, I don’t need to impress anybody or have nifty features. It would be cool if I could buy the cards at Best Buy and get extra points, but isn’t necessary.

So here’s my question: If you’ve ever had a non-contract cellphone, what would you suggest? Any great ones out there? Any to steer clear of?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS

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