My Goals 4 June 2012

 My Goals for June 2012

Financial Goals:

  1. Contribute $50.00 to our Roth IRA.
  2. Save $400.00 in our Emergency Fund. This seems extreme based on our income and expenses, but June is a 3 paycheck month for us and after the crazy casino trip—it just needs to happen.
  3. Save $100.00 in our Travel Fund. FinCon12 is quickly approaching and we barely have anything saved for food, transportation and entertainment while we’ll be there.
  4. Automatically transfer 50% over our Root Income right to savings at least once this month—this will help me get our Emergency Fund up there quicker. It’s a good habit to get into, even if I only start out with once a month.
  5. Back-up anything that I don’t want to lose and then cancel my 2nd hosting account with BlueHost and then transfer my domains over to my primary account.

Blogging Goals:

  1. Figure out what’s up with my weird site structure. Jumping in blind a couple of years ago sorta created a huge page/post/link mess that I haven’t wanted to deal with. I need to dig in and figure out a plan to fix it.
  2. Do a better job about reciprocating comments. This doesn’t count the blogs with weird and tricky comment forms and impossible captcha.
  3. Helping others: Tweet at least 10 great posts I find on other blogs.
  4. Helping others: Retweet at least 10 tweets I like.

Personal Goals:

  1. Lose 8 pounds this month. Last month it pushed me when I aimed high, so I’m hoping for the same this month.
  2. Start using my elliptical at least once a week, so far it’s my only cardio weakness.
  3. Read 3 or more books this month to stay on track for one of my 2012 goals.
  4. Do something fun this month out of the apartment.


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”  Les Brown


Please feel free to leave your monthly goals in the comments, then we can see how we all did when the month is over.

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


My Goals 4 June 2012 — 8 Comments

  1. Good luck on your June goals Jen! 8 pounds in one month is ambitious, but if you have your own elliptical it should be doable. That’s something that I’d really like to buy, but probably not the best time for me to do that financially. All the other goals sound pretty realistic. Well there’s no way I could read 3 books in a month, but I’m sure you can if that’s part of your 2012 goals.

    • Thanks Jeremy. :-) Every time I get on the elliptical, I’m like the big bad wolf—huffing and puffing. It’s a great reminder to cut down on my smoking though. Ellipticals can get really spendy, my mom actually gave me hers a few years ago.

  2. Those are a nice set of goals. We just went through some of the same stuff with our blogs as far as rerouting some of the old links etc. It has definitely helped. The best part of it from my perspective was having a partner that is WAY better at that stuff than I am!

    • Too bad I don’t have a partner to lean on. I’m sure I’ll get it all figured out though, it could take a while since I made such a mess of things early on. :-)