My Goals 4 May 2012


Financial Goals:

  1. Contribute $50.00 to our Roth IRA.
  2. Limit dining out to 1 time this month. Last month we didn’t eat out at all, so I figured once will be just fine.
  3. Go through grocery receipts from the last 3 months and see if I can figure out what’s up with our grocery spending. I never actually finished doing this last month.
  4. Cancel magazine subscriptions to avoid automatic renewal at full rates, I failed to do this last month and am running out of time.
  5. Call BlueHost and see if we can consolidate my 2 hosting accounts, so that I won’t be paying twice as much in hosting fees every year.

Blogging Goals:

  1. Get my Alexa rank under 85,000. As of May 1st, it’s at 90,841.
  2. Get my Facebook likes up to 40. As of May 1st, it’s only at 29.
  3. Have 275 followers on Twitter. As of May 1st, I have 267.
  4. Helping others: Tweet at least 10 great posts I find on other blogs.
  5. Helping others: Retweet at least 10 tweets I like.
  6. Leave an average of 7 comments a day on other blogs, for a monthly total of 217.

Personal Goals:

  1. Lose 10 pounds this month. I know it sounds crazy and probably impossible, but I’ve been slacking and hopefully it would push me to do better my setting it so high.
  2. Get in at least 20 workouts this month.
  3. Read 3 or more books this month to stay on track for one of my 2012 goals.
  4. Drink at least four 16.9 oz bottles of water a day this month, on average.
  5. Declutter and organize the evil walk-in closet. We’re using it for storage, but it’s impossible to find anything in less than 10 minutes.


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”  Les Brown


Please feel free to leave your monthly goals in the comments, then we can see how we all did when the month is over.

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


My Goals 4 May 2012 — 16 Comments

  1. Great goals! Writing them down is a good motivator to get results. That is something we need to do. Having something to look at and provide a measure of accountability is the way to go.

    One thing we do to cut the grocery bill is gardening. There are many ways to accomplish this and it doesn’t require a lot of space if you don’t have it. Even a few plants or a small herb garden could save a lot. I have started collecting data on our garden and am recording it on our blog to find out just how much we are saving.
    We just followed you on twitter … +1 :)
    shawn @ Managing The Money Wars

    • Thanks Shawn. Writing them down (or typing) helps keep them on my mind, even if I don’t end up achieving them…I’m still thinking about them. :-) I want to have a huge garden when we get our house one day, it’s a great way to save money.

  2. I just liked you on Facebook to help you with your goals! You’re up to 37, look like you’re almost there!

    • Wooo hooo! Thanks for the like. I’ve actually tried to “like” a few blogs but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Do you know if I need to have a personal Facebook account to be able to “like” somebody else or not? I know, I suck at social media. 😉

      • Hi Jen :)

        Yes, if you own a ‘like’ page then I’m sure you are able to ‘like’ other pages or groups! But if you have neither a personal account or a personal one, then im afraid you cannot…damn I rock at social media! 😉


    • Lately I’ve begun to wonder if my only readers are other bloggers now. At least you don’t have to worry about that. :-)