Were my April 2012 Goals Achieved?

It’s time to check back in on the goals I set for April 2012. Just so that there aren’t any surprises, I sucked with my goals again, just like last month. :-(

#1 Get my Alexa ranking under 100,000- PASS (As of May 1st, it was 90,841—wooo hooo! .Thanks everybody who’s using the Alexa toolbar:-)  )

#2 Contribute at least $50.00 to our Roth IRA– PASS (exactly 50 bucks again)

#3 Don’t spend a single cent on dining out all month- PASS (I can’t believe I made it all month.)

#4 Continue working on improving Master the Art of Saving- PASS (I finally set up a Facebook fan page and did some more work on a page I’ve been working on (very passively) for months now.)

#5 Have 250 followers on Twitter- PASS (As of May 1st, I have 267 followers. Thanks everybody, you rock. :-)  )

#6 Tweet at least 10 great posts I find on other blogs- PASS (I tweeted 12.)

#7 Retweet at least 10 tweets I like- PASS (exactly 10.)

#8 Review grocery receipts and figure out the problem- FAIL (I got started on it, but didn’t finish.)

#9 Cancel magazine subscriptions to avoid automatic renewal at full rates- FAIL (I didn’t do it, but I think I have a few more days left.)

#10 Lose 7 pounds this month- FAIL (haha, I didn’t even come close. I only lost 3 pounds, which is still moving in the right direction.)

#11 Get in at least 15 workouts- FAIL (I only did 10 because I was being lazy.)

#12 Read 3 or more books- FAIL (I only finished one book last month, but it was a great one) In April, I read:

#13 Drink at least three 16.9 oz bottles of water every single day- FAIL (I was sooooo close, I only fell short one day. On 11 of the days, I exceeded 3 bottles, too bad I didn’t say “on average.”)

#14 Finish decluttering and organizing our apartment- FAIL (While I did make a ton of progress, I neglected to fully finish. It’s this one closet (walk-in) that frightens me. We use it for all the stuff we’re not currently using at least once a week, as well as leftover “stockpile” items from my extreme couponing days. I literally will have to pull almost everything out to even get started.)



How did you do on your goals?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Were my April 2012 Goals Achieved? — 4 Comments

  1. Seems like the month was a fail. lol, jk! Those fails really piled up at the end though. Reading 3 books for the month is quite an impressive feat.

    I didn’t really set any monthly goals…goals tend to force me to create lists which causes me to work too hard. I work hard enough as it is and I only make goals on a quarterly/yearly basis.

    • Haha, it’s been a couple of crappy months lately. I’m list-maker, so I love it. :-) Though it kinda sucks when you don’t achieve many of them. Maybe next month???

    • You’re right, but I want to accomplish them completely—even if it makes me feel like a failure. :-)