Were the January 2012 Goals Achieved?

It’s time to check back in on the goals I set for January 2012, let’s see how I started out the new year.

#1 Get my Alexa ranking under 140,000- FAIL (As of February 1st, it was 168,532.)

#2 Contribute at least $50.00 to our Roth IRAPASS (Exactly 50 bucks)

#3 Save at least $25.00 towards Christmas 2012- PASS (Exactly 25 bucks)

#4 Do a giveaway on my blog- PASS

#5 Have 60 followers on Twitter- PASS (As of February 1st, I have 156 followers. Most of that is because of the giveaway, but I’m not complaining. :-) Thanks again to everybody, you guys rock!)

#6 Get the Evil Credit Card balance under $300.00- PASS (It’s down to $259.81 and it’s feelin’ pretty good.)

#7 Submit at least 1 post to a blog carnival- PASS (I didn’t actually submit it myself, but I’ve hired Corey to do it for me. He submitted a lot more than just one, so this shouldn’t be a problem any longer.)

#8 Only do my Sublime Saturday Assemblage every other Saturday- PASS (I did it just as planned, one on the 14th and the other on the 28th. It’s kinda nice to have an extra day off every other week.)

#9 Tweet at least 6 great posts I find on other blogs- PASS (I exceeded the 6.)

#10 Retweet at least 6 tweets I like- PASS (Way more than just the 6, it’s kind of addicting.)

#11 Finish brainstorming my new page idea and start making it happen- PASS (I did finish the brainstorming part, but I’m having issues with the best way to format it. I’m going to need to spend a lot more time trying things out before this will be ready.) 

#12 Decide on the exact allocation of funds I’m refocusing- PASS (I got it all figured out, but then I had to borrow money to cover the FinCon12 expenses. I will post about it soon.)

#13 Lose 6 pounds this month- FAIL (I only lost 4 pounds this last month. :-( It seems like I do good one month and not so great the next; at least I’m being consistent. I guess.)

#14 Read 3 or more books this month to stay on track for one of my 2012 goals- PASS (I read all 3 books, and each one was actually on my reading list for this year. :-) In January, I read:

The Happiness Project
Blue Bloods (Book 1)

#15 Get in at least 15 hours of cardio- FAIL (I only did 10 hours and 20 minutes worth of cardio.)

#16 Make Roxy’s shot appointment- PASS (Made the appointment, got her shots done and was even inspired to write a post about Deceiving Discounts.)


How did you do on your goals?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Were the January 2012 Goals Achieved? — 10 Comments

    • Thanks, Pam. :-) It’s amazing how addicting it can be. I’d heard people say it before I signed up, but I just thought they were silly…now I know.

  1. Good job on your passes. I wonder what’s up with Alexa. No matter what I do over Jan and Feb my ranking keeps going up instead of down. I notice you didn’t meet your Alexa goal which is why I mentioned….

    • Yeah, I’m just convinced that Alexa is out to get me right now. I think it’s going off an average of the last 3 months, and I did have to take 2 weeks off in December—which definitely hurt me stat-wise. I just wish that everybody who came to my blog had the Alexa toolbar, that would make things much better. :-)

  2. 4 pounds is great!! And 10 hours of cardio is also really good! I think your doing awesome achieving your goals! Keep at it. I’m working on my e-fund right now as my goal!

    • Thanks Rachel. :-) I just want to do better, I expect a lot out of myself and get disappointed when I don’t at least meet my expectations. How’s the emergency fund going? Have you been able to put anything in there yet?

  3. Looks like a lot of “pass”es. Great job! Keep at it. 10hrs of cardio is not exactly a full fail :)

    I didn’t do well with any of my goals. But I also came to peace with it as I know I won’t be able to do most of it until after March. Till then it is too busy at work and travel for work.

    • Thanks Suba. :-) Sometimes the timing just doesn’t work out, I’m sure you’ll do fabulously once things calm down.