Where Did The Dough Go? #56

Welcome to another weekly edition of “Where Did The Dough Go?”. Below you can get a completely open and honest view of what we’re spending money on, how much we’re saving, investing and putting away for retirement. Please feel free to learn from our financial mistakes if at all possible, it’s way better than making them yourself. ;-)

Friday 25th
No real spending today
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)

-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Saturday 26th
– $37.68
– $28.68 (health/beauty)

Sunday 27th
– $16.25 (alcohol for honey)

Monday 28th
– $26.69
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Tuesday 29th
No real spending today
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)

-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Wednesday 30th
No real spending today
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)

-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Thursday 31st
No real spending today
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Total Weekly Spending: $129.30


Savings $10.00
Cigarettes $26.69
Alcohol $16.25
Health/Beauty $28.68
Groceries $37.68
Save 4 Car insurance $10.00

$$$ Entire Paycheck Totals $$$

Income: $1,279.03
Spending: $1,279.00


Savings $20.00
Rent & Bills $700.00
Cigarettes $114.02
Health/Beauty $46.01
Car Expenses $4.00
Puppy Expenses $142.46
Groceries $127.91
Gas $42.40
Alcohol $37.20
Roth IRA contribution $25.00
Save 4 Car insurance $20.00

Pre-tax 401K Contributions: $138.58

Notes: Wow, 3¢ leftover—that’s really cutting it close, huh? At least we didn’t go over budget, that’s something positive. We didn’t really save much this pay check, but we did spend a lot less on groceries—which is really cool.

I’m beginning to think that I should go back to automatically saving 50% over our root income right away, again. It just seemed like I was doing much better with saving money when I did. We’ll see. I hope you had a good week. :-)


How did your budgeting/spending go this week?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Where Did The Dough Go? #56 — 6 Comments

  1. lol at the 3 cents leftover. Now don’t go spending that all in one place! That’s some impressive budgeting if your planned spending it that close. And yeah, automatic savings is probably the way to go. Then you don’t manage to find other ways to spend that money.

    • Nope, it wasn’t planned…I just got really lucky lol. I can’t even remember why I quit doing it (sending the money to saving right away).