
Near the end of May 2011, I opened up an account with Betterment. I had received a paid email from Inbox Dollars that offered me $20.00 if I opened an investment account with Betterment with a minimum of $10.00.

Double my money right away—-okay. How could I pass that up? So I started out with $10.00 in my account. I’m still learning about it, but we needed to start doing some investing.

The hardest thing is remembering that just because we’re not really making money now, doesn’t mean that it won’t plump up later on. Since this is a long-term investment, when we lose money now, it actually means that we’re buying at lower prices (and getting more) which can be more beneficial in the future.

 My favorite things about

  • Professionals handle the investing, so it doesn’t matter whether or not I know what to do
  • Low (crazy low) fees
  • Automatic re-balancing
  • No fees to withdraw your money
  • Took me like 2 minutes to open the account and get started
  • Dividends are automatically reinvested
  • Ability to have more than one sub account (or goal)
  • They also offer IRAs