July 2011 Review

Woooo hooooo! 2 down and 2 to go, we’re already halfway done with one of our financial goals for 2011. Which of course is to have $1,000 in each of our 4 accounts. 😉 The above charts shows all of our progress on this goal through July 2011. Below, you will find my earnings and savings for July 2011.

$$$ EARNINGS $$$

Earnings from survey sites:
Opinion Square
$5.00 prepaid Visa card
My Survey- $50.00
Study from survey site- $35.00 prepaid visa

TOTAL= $90.00

Earnings from shopping:
Best Buy Rewards

TOTAL= $20.00

Earnings from Bank Offers & Interest:
Interest- $4.64

TOTAL= $4.64

Earning from paid emails & searching sites:
Inbox Dollars $27.00
Swagbucks– $25.00

TOTAL= $52.00

Earning from other stuff:
Blogging- $45.00

TOTAL= $45.00




$$$ SAVINGS $$$

Savings from not having to spend:
Using coupons- $76.12
Store loyalty card usage- $47.53

TOTAL= $123.65

Savings from Automatic Transfers:
Automatic ING transfers– $63.00
Automatic US Bank transfers- $5.00
401K Contributions- $339.36

TOTAL= $407.36

Other Tactics:
Paycheck to Paycheck plan- $113.78
Roth IRA contributions$60.00
Betterment contributions– $30.00
Saving on purpose- $373.48

TOTAL= $577.26



Notes: At least my coupon redemption is higher than last month, I had fallen behind a great deal. 😉 I’m so happy that we were able to save so much this last month, sometimes it’s really hard work.

Other times, I still can’t believe that we’re able to do this now. Just a couple of years ago, our finances were totally f*cked up. Small changes over time truly can add up. The reason our 401K contributions are higher this is month is because July was a 3 paycheck month (my favorite of all) for us on this bi-weekly paycheck schedule.

Back in the day, we would just go blow the extra check on stuff we didn’t really need and usually didn’t end up using at all. Hopefully I will be able to keep our monthly earnings around the $200 area or higher.


Did you earn any additional income this month?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS

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