My Goals 4 February 2012

Get my Alexa rank under 150,000.

Contribute $50.00 to our Roth IRA.

Save $25.00 towards Christmas 2012.

Replace at least $100 of the money I borrowed for FinCon12.

Have 175 followers on Twitter.

Get the Evil Credit Card balance under $130.00.

Leave at least 5 comments per day (on average), for a monthly total of 145 or more. I’m great at reading other people’s posts, but don’t leave many comments. If you’re a fellow blogger, then you know how important it is to leave comments. 😉

 Continue doing my Sublime Saturday Assemblage posts on every other Saturday instead of weekly to give myself 1 extra day off every other week. For February, that would be the 11th and 25th.

Helping others: Tweet at least 10 great posts I find on other blogs.

Helping others: Retweet at least 10 tweets I like.

 Take the time to figure out formatting for the new page idea I had, I’d really like to get this done this month.

Create an advertising page. This will let advertisers know that they can give me money, and it’s probably the only way I’ll be able to cover my hosting renewal this summer, because nobody seems to be clicking on my Adsense ads.

Personal Goals:

Lose 6 pounds this month, I’m bound to get it this month. 😉

Read 3 or more books this month to stay on track for one of my 2012 goals.

Drink at least four 16.9 oz bottles of water 24/29 days this month. I never seem to drink enough water.


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” by Les Brown


Please feel free to leave your monthly goals in the comments, then we can see how we all did when the month is over.

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


My Goals 4 February 2012 — 8 Comments

    • I guess it depends on how much fat you have to lose for the rate in which you lose it.

      I’m really digging Twitter, I don’t use it as often as I should be. It’s great to be able to quickly interact with people and jump into conversations. It’s also a great place to share posts and help eachother out. :-)

  1. “Leave at least 5 comments per day (on average)” – You can count DQYDJ if you want – I know Disqus is being weird to IE users! (Although I do suggest switching off IE if you have the ability, haha).

    • I’m going to have to figure something out, it’s driving me nuts not being able to comment. I don’t know how to switch off internet explorer, it’s how I get online. How could I still get online and switch it off for when I visit your blog? I know I sound like a dumb@ss, but I sometimes I am. :-)

    • Thanks Corey. It also helps me work harder to achieve them when I know I’m gonna have to tell everybody how I did. 😉

  2. Wow I totally read that as contribute $50,000 to our Roths and I was like holy crap, what kind of inheritance did you win?!

    SO anyway…I’m jealous of your 6 pound goal, i only plan to lose 4 pounds because February is a short month, haha that was my excuse!

    • haha. I wish we had that much to throw at our retirement. :-) I’m trying to use February as being a short month as motivation to really bust my @ss. Still, you could still end up doing better than me.