Sure I’ll Make a Bucket List 4 a Shot 2 Win $500

bucket listJ. Money over at Budgets are Sexy is hosting a giveaway for $500. You can earn an additional 5 entries if you post your bucket list on your blog and link to the giveaway. How could I pass that up? Even though a ‘bucket list’ sounds mega-depressing, $500 is exciting enough to tone it down. So, here’s my bucket list:

Write and publish a book– not self published and no clue what about but I’ve wanted to do it ever since I was little.
Take writing classes so that I can successfully write said book
Be self-employed– and actually make money
Visit Italy– we’re planning on doing this in 2012
Swim with dolphins– it just sounds like a lot of fun
Pay off the Evil Credit Card
Go to Oktoberfest in Germany– maybe we could pop over while we’re in Italy…if the timing is right
Make sure my honey is happy everyday– Yeah, it sounds rather impossible but if I keep aiming for it the happiness factor will surely be substantial
Raise our kid not to be a dumb@ss– it sounds bad but it happens all the time, myself included (the teenage years mostly) but I’m better now. Hopefully I can spend enough time with her and share enough wisdom to keep her from making tons of mistakes. Yeah, she’ll still make some but hopefully not really bad ones.
Visit someplace tropical– It would totally rock to spend a week or so lounging next to the ocean (using sunscreen of course), swimming and maybe learning how to surf. So many possibilities.
Pet a penguin– they’re just soooooo cute
Learn how to make a perfect cum-shot– it shouldn’t be that hard really but I keep messing it up—they’re so yummy. Peach schnapps, vanilla vodka and pina colada. One day.
Live in another country– I’m not a hater or the US or anything but it would be so enlightening. Preferably it would be a country where the US Dollar goes farther. Husband says he wants someplace near the ocean (doesn’t matter which) and warm weather. Hmmm?
Learn a foreign language– I’m not sure which language but it would help if it was that of the country we were going to live in. I took a Spanish class in college and did quite well but now I can barely remember anything of use.
Paint something I’m proud of– with no artistic talent, this will be rather challenging but the journey will still be fun
Earn enough money to pay for my blog hosting each year– my husband finds it pretty odd that I’m actually paying to blog—I still love blogging even if I have to pay for it.
Go paperless– I’ve been slowly working on this for months. Maybe if I were to spend a super-focused week I could catch up, there’s so much stuff. I know I should probably want to do this for the environment or something like that but I’m really just wanting less clutter and stored stuff. I’m bad.
Paris– The Louvre and the Eiffel tower are my must-sees. I could probably spend days in the Louvre and still not want to leave.
Read War and Peace– it’s been sitting on my bookshelves for close to 4 years and I’ve never read it.
Go back to Vegas– we had such a killer time before and we’d both LOVE to go again. At least this time we’ll be more prepared for some of the ridiculous pricing. Last time I spent like 6 hours at the roulette table and it was so much fun.
Reduce the amount of stuff we have– and be happy about it. I’ve been working on this for the last year and we still have a ton of stuff.

I’ll stop now, I honestly could keep going forever. There are so many possibilities for us out there and so many experiences to be had. Hope I didn’t bore you too badly. 😉

Anything interesting on your list?

PS– I’m posting this from my Sexy New Laptop. I finally got it on Monday and I’m already in love with it. Money well spent. :-)

Image Credit:


About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Sure I’ll Make a Bucket List 4 a Shot 2 Win $500 — 24 Comments

  1. Like you, travel features heavily on my bucket list. I’m interested in wilderness adventures more so that the awesome cities and festivals of Europe, but they are appealing too. I never stop worrying about our kids. I hope they all become productive citzens…very soon.

  2. That’s a great list, Jen. I have travel on mine, too! Um, and I can’t wait to try that drink.

    I have pet a penguin. For my bday one year, my husband arranged a behind the scenes tour of the penguin house at a local aquarium. It. Was. Amazing. Probably one of the coolest experiences of my life.

    • lol. :-) Ha, it is possible then. That’s really cool and sounds like something my husband would do too. Did you get your pic taken with the penguin? Ooooh. I love penguins.

        • That’s so awesome, you and a penguin—def. a kodak moment. I’ve loved penguins since I was little but didn’t really like ‘March of the Penguins’ much. ‘Happy Feet’ was cute.

  3. I’ve done almost all the stuff on your list, except live in a foreign country. Well, so far my kids can still be dumbasses, but they’re 14 and 17, it’s their job.

    My list:
    1. Lose another 50 pounds (SIGH)
    2. Get healthier
    3. Clear up my clutter
    4. Visit Africa or Asia, not just Europe which I’ve been to lots of times
    5. Learn to fly a plane
    6. Buy a classic car

    • Thanks for sharing, Harriet. That’s a pretty cool list. If you’re really determined you’ll be able to lose another fifty pounds, don’t worry. I wish I’d been to Europe lots of times. Africa or Asia, that could be exciting, anywhere particular? I’m terrified of the thought of going on a plane, I’ll have to get over that next year but I couldn’t imagine flying one. I’d kill us all. :-(

      • I used to be terrified of flying, and then I started taking Cymbalta for my fibromyalgia, and the fear went away! (Cymbalta is an antidepressant.) I shocked myself one day by driving near a small local airport, looked at the planes and thought “I want to fly one of those.” You never know!

        I’d like to go to Russia, India, China, Thailand, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa….who knows? I want to travel a lot once the kids are grown up.

        • That’s pretty cool that your medication removed your fear of flying—finally a beneficial side effect. So there are so many possibilities, I’m sure you’re going to have a blast in your travels. Maybe you could squeeze another book or two out of the experiences…

          • My resolution was to send off my latest book proposal this month, and I did and my agent loves it! He’s going to start shopping it to editors soon.

  4. (Also, you can totally skip the battle scenes in War & Peace. Great book otherwise. In fact I wrote my senior thesis in college on it, and still never read the battle scenes.)

    • Thanks 20’s Finances. Gotta travel, haha, yeah I gotta put that on there or I’ll be banned from the PF community.

  5. Travel and charity dominate my bucket list. I want to see every country in the world and experience all the culture. We started with covering the 7 wonders of the world and hitting all the states first :) Little more than half way through both of that goals.

    Recently I have added one more – to be a great writer.

    Nice list!

    • That’s a lot of traveling you’ve already done, it must be amazing. I’m pretty sure you’ll end up being a great writer, from everything I’ve seen from you so far, you are very dedicated and thorough.

  6. You have a great list, Jen. If you have not been to Barbados yet, you should definitely try it! (That would take care of visiting somewhere tropical and living in another country). I really want to commend you on your plan of being committed to your daughter by spending quality time and sharing wisdom. I think that’s one of the nicest, most meaningful things I’ve seen out of all of the bucket lists that I’ve read!

    • Barbados sounds nice. You’ve vacationed or lived there, I’m guessing. Is it an expensive place? If you lived or have lived there, what do people do during hurricane season? Awww, thanks Elle. I can only do my best and hope it helps. :-)

      • I live in Barbados. Yes, it is expensive, but with a little creativity it’s not that bad. If you’re coming for a holiday, make sure to pack your necessitites and specialty foods. Hurricanes usually pass us by and we have not had a direct hit since 1955 (amen!). But, we’ve several touches from passing storms and we do pretty ok. Many of the structures here are being built of concrete and steel, so we don’t get many reports of fallen homes. But, we do get flooding, fallen trees, downed poles etc.

        • Good to know. 1955, wow; I hope you guys stay clear. I’ll definitely have to keep Barbados in mind for our ‘someplace tropical’. Thanks Elle@Odd Cents. :-)