Saving at the liquor store

liquor rebate

Just so that you know, we are not alcoholics or anything. I just saw an opportunity to save us some money over time and jumped on it.

We had stopped in at the liquor store to grab some margarita makings, and I saw all these little tags hanging from the bottles. It really intrigued me to say the least. There were so many different rebates going on. I read a few until I found the perfect one for us. Since we were going to be purchasing some Jose Cuervo anyway, we started looking at the other qualifying liquors on the rebate.

Here’s how it worked out for us:

Jose Cuervo Margarita Mix $6.95
Captain Morgan Spiced Rum $17.95
Captain Morgan Spiced Rum $17.95
Captain Morgan Spiced Rum $17.95
Jose Cuervo Especial Gold $17.95
Jose Cuervo Especial Gold $17.95
Jose Cuervo Especial Gold $17.95
Bailey’s Caramel $19.95
Bailey’s Mint Chocolate $19.95

Subtotal $154.55
Sales Tax $0.57 (from mix)
Total $155.12

*we qualify for the $50 rebate, so essentially we are paying $105.12 for 8 bottles of alcohol and margarita mix*

If we wouldn’t have noticed the rebate and just got what we had planned, it would have been like this:

Jose Cuervo Margarita Mix $6.95
Jose Cuervo Especial Gold $17.95
Jose Cuervo Especial Gold $17.95

Subtotal $42.85
Sales Tax $0.57 (from mix)
Total $43.42

*So by looking around, in the long run we were able to save money on something we don’t usually save on.

Rebate form

The rebate says: Save up to $50 by mail. There were 3 options
* Save $15 off 3 bottles
* Save $35 off 6 bottles
* Save $50 off 8 bottles

Valid in: AZ, CO, DC, DE, ID, IL, FL, KY, MD, MI, MN, MT, NE, NJ, OR, SC, WA, WI & WY

Offer Valid: 11/01/10-01/01/11

So if this is something that you are interested in, and you live in one of the states listed above, you should be able to find this in your local liquor store.

Note: In the Sunday coupon inserts, there are rebates like this rather often. I assume it would depend on where you live, but you should be able to find something in your local liquor store if you are lucky. Just wanted to show you that if you keep an eye out, you can save almost anywhere. :-)

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS

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