Coupons & Samples & Checks… oh my! September 2011

Shop at home check September 2011Shop at Home

I tried scanning the check this time instead of taking a picture of it, I think it looks better. It’s funny though because I went in to black out the personal information and their routing numbers and black just looked so harsh—so I went with a light purple. Anyways, I received a check from Shop at Home for $22.61. This is why I’m always droning on about cash-back shopping, it’s well worth the extra 30 seconds to a minute to get money back. They also have coupon codes that can save you even more money. For more information about Shop at Home, check out my page here.

Coupons and Samples and Checks September 2011Mailbox Goodies

This is even less stuff than last month, I just haven’t been signing up for stuff and requesting samples. I’m still pretty happy about what I got though since value-wise it’s rather substantial compared to free samples of stuff.

2 coupons for a free 12-pack of soda from Pepsi. The only reason I got these was because I ended up getting 2 12-packs in a row that were expired in March 2011, I didn’t know that soda even expired. It does and wow did it taste like $hit. I kept thinking maybe I was getting a cold or something and my taste-buds were off until my honey mentioned I should check the expiration date. DUH! So, I went online and contacted Pepsi to let them know about it; I had to enter a ton of information from the box, cans, and my receipt—I almost gave up. In the end I got these 2 coupons to replace the nasty soda and learned not to buy soda from that store ever again and that soda does expire.

$25 Barnes & Noble gift card from MyPoints. It’s been a while since I cashed out for something from them, so I was happy to get this. I’m a book-addict, so this will def. come in handy. :-) For more information about MyPoints, check out my post here.

Best Buy Reward Certificates from using my Reward Zone MasterCard, not just at Best Buy. They came spread out over the month, I believe the first one was the $20 one which came on the 1st of September, I think it was meant for August. Then about a week and a half later, another one came, the $15 one. Then last week I got the $25 reward. Wow, that’s $60 in rewards for that month—I don’t know what that’s all about but I’ll take them with a smile.


Did you get anything good in the mail?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Coupons & Samples & Checks… oh my! September 2011 — 2 Comments

    • I was pretty happy about them. Though, they do charge an annual fee, I think it’s $36 a year and have high interest but we don’t have to pay any because we pay it off every few transactions. If you don’t get charged interest and use it 4 everything—then the annual fee isn’t that big of a deal. :-)