TVs, Harry Potter & Bedroom Activities

LG TVFinally, my husband has told me what he wants for Christmas. I usually try to get the Christmas shopping done early, ever since that one year. It was awful, like 6 years ago, I went to buy Christmas presents the night before Christmas. Never again!

Anyways, this year my husband is requesting a TV for our bedroom. We could have bought a ton of TVs with the money we spent last month on our vacation, but that’s okay. There is a nice empty spot on our wall, and apparently it needs to be filled with a TV. He said 32″ would be okay, but 42″ would be even better. Of course it would.

Not too long ago, we’d been wanting to buy an additional TV, but thankfully we put it off. Originally, we were looking at a big LED TV to upgrade our one and only TV in the living room. That’s not what he’s wanting, he just wants one for the bedroom and has given up on a larger (and LED) one out there. That probably saved us a ton. :-)

I’m hoping to find a great deal at Best Buy soon so that I can use my Best Buy Reward Certificates to lower my out of pocket expenses. I’ve been saving these up for Christmas anyway. I am scared to death of shopping on Black Friday, so I won’t be getting a crazy great deal, but that’s okay. I’m also planning to use cash-back shopping to get a little kick back of cash, that’s always fun. Also since Best Buy allows you to purchase online and pick-up in the store, I can pick it up in Oregon and save myself from having to pay sales tax.

harry potterOne of the main reasons that I want a TV in the bedroom, that’s right—I think he’s got a brilliant idea, is so that I can fall asleep faster. Seems counterproductive, right? A few years ago, I had a nasty flu virus and camped out on the couch. I was so ill, that it was best to just try to sleep it off. So I would take some NyQuil, turn on a Harry Potter movie and pass out, repeating it until I wasn’t that bad.

Apparently, I somehow conditioned myself to get sleepy and pass out whenever I watch Harry Potter. If it’s during the day, I can stay awake…other than that, it takes great strength to finish a movie. I’m not complaining or anything, I love it; usually it can take me hours to fall asleep. Having a TV in our bedroom would be pretty awesome.

monkeys jumping on the bedEverything I’ve ever read/heard about having a good marriage, screams “No TV in the bedroom.” Apparently it’s really bad for your sex life. I don’t think this applies to everybody though.

Personally, I think that watching TV and movies together in the bedroom makes it easier to ‘get some’. You’re both relaxing and watching something, maybe even snuggling…you’re already in bed, it shouldn’t be that difficult to transition into another activity. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least you’re spending time together. With the go-go-go mentality and all the hustle and bustle, it can be hard to find time to just hang out. So either way, you’re together. :-)

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About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


TVs, Harry Potter & Bedroom Activities — 4 Comments