Where Did The Dough Go? #50

Welcome to another weekly edition of “Where Did The Dough Go?”. Below you can get a completely open and honest view of what we’re spending money on, how much we’re saving, investing and putting away for retirement. Please feel free to learn from our financial mistakes if at all possible, it’s way better than making them yourself. ;-)

Friday 13th
No real spending today :-)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)

-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Saturday 14th
No spend day :-)

Sunday  15th
No spend day :-)

Monday 16th
No real spending today :-)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Tuesday 17th
– $17.91 
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)

-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Wednesday  18th
– $10.01 (gas @ 4.099 per gallon)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)

-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Thursday 19th
– $3.88 (honey beer)
-/+ $17.27 (left-overs transfer to Emergency Fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Total Weekly Spending: $69.07


Savings $27.27
Cigarettes $17.91
Gas $10.01
Alcohol $3.88
Save 4 Car insurance $10.00

$$$ Entire Paycheck Totals $$$

Income: $1,110.23
Spending: $1,110.23


Savings $47.50
Rent & Bills $700.00
Cigarettes $106.04
Groceries $111.69
Gas $53.93
Alcohol $46.07
Roth IRA contribution $25.00
Save 4 Car insurance $20.00

Pre-tax 401K Contributions: $125.05

Notes: It sure its easy to have a lot of “no spend days” when you’re pretty much broke. Not much to say about this week, aside from the fact that I was really surprised that we actually had some leftovers to transfer to saving.

I didn’t think we’d make it through this last week financially, but here we are and under budget. :-) Another week of not spending any money whatsoever on dining out and it’s getting easier, of course it helped that we couldn’t have afforded it even if we wanted to. I hope you all had a great week with your finances.


How did your budgeting/spending go this week?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Where Did The Dough Go? #50 — 10 Comments

  1. dude you guys should make some money online with paid surveys check out polldollars and get with it

    • This is just our paycheck income, all other online earnings and such are separate. I love paid surveys, I’ve been doing them for a couple years now. :-)

    • Thanks. :-) I only spend about 10 minutes a week tracking our expenses, that also includes formatting these posts to look pretty.

    • Thanks Miss T. :-) I think better spending/saving habits is one of the best benefits of tracking your spending—it really gets you thinking about things.

  2. haha you are so right that it is a lot easier to fit in those no spend days when you really are broke. When the cash is available, it’s all too tempting to fit in some meals out or some other random spending.

    • Exactly, the old Jen would just pull out one of her fancy credit cards and use it for whatever she didn’t have the money for. Old Jen was such a dumb@ss. 😉

    • Thanks Marie; it makes it so much easier for us to save money when it’s small transfer that kinda go unnoticed. :-)