I’m Not Dead, Just Really Behind

Good morning everybody! Actually, I’m not sure how good it is, I’m completely exhausted. Hopefully you are doing much better than I am. :-)

I’ve been so crazy busy with buying our first house that I have fallen WAY behind with blogging. I’m still going to be behind for a while because I still have so much to do, but I’ll catch up eventually.

I’m supposed to post our weekly spending today, followed by a round-up on Saturday. I don’t really see that happening right now. It might take me a few days to get them up because I just don’t have the time or mental energy to do it.

As for our house, the USDA approved our home loan and we got our keys (finally) yesterday. We changed our locks and set off bug foggers just in case there were some creepy tenants living in our new house.

We got some things we needed and a few we wanted, plus we ordered our fridge.

Today, we’re going to be painting and getting the house ready to move our stuff in soon. :-)

I’m behind on posts, replying to comments (I will get to them and totally appreciate each and every one), reciprocating comments, regular reading of other blogs, social promotion of other bloggers, emails and much more. I hope nobody thinks I forgot about them or just don’t give a f*ck, because I do…it’s just going to be a bit longer.

I still haven’t even written my Yakezie member post, which I believe must be done before the end of the month.

My head has just been a mess from all the uncertainty of being approved by the USDA for the loan, when we would close, school stuff for our kiddo and much more. I can’t wait to just be in the house and get my head back to normal—at least normal for me, I’ve always been a horse of a different color. 😉

I hope you have a great weekend.

PS- I’m too tired to proofread this, so please excuse any errors or utter nonsense, I’ll fix it one day.

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


I’m Not Dead, Just Really Behind — 20 Comments

  1. Don’t let your blogging responsibilities add to your stress too much Jen. Know that we’re all very understanding and we all end up going through some period where we are just too busy to keep up with blogging. I had a bit of that yesterday when I was sick. I felt horrible for slacking off with stuff like comments, but I just really needed a break.
    Modest Money recently posted..September 21st 2012 Blog UpdateMy Profile

  2. No worries Jen, I bet you’ll be even more tired after painting the house – I remember helping my brother paint his and it wasn’t a walk in the park if you know what I mean. Ugh.. paint everywhere! Pretty sure you’re going to be busy for quite some time now, at least a month :) Just remember when you come back we’ll still be here, still visiting your blog and still commenting! <3
    Veronica @ Pelican on Money recently posted..Friday Night Lights – RoundupMy Profile

  3. Aww YAY! Congrats on closing and getting everything the way you want it in your house. That’s awesome! I’m right there with you right now, too, since there’s been almost no time with the move back to Hawaii. Isn’t it funny how on paper it looks like you might be able to make time and you never find the time to make the time? Haha, well, good luck on the house!!
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