Living at Home—The Parent’s Perspective

A little less than a month ago, we moved back home to save a lot of money before buying our first house. I thought it would be interesting to have my mom (Nanny) write a guest post about what it’s like having your kids move back home, because how often do you get the parent’s true perspective?

We’re all so different and have our own ways of doing things, just as we all have different values and priorities in life. So just because we think this has been the longest month or our lives, doesn’t mean that it hasn’t felt just as long for her.

Moving back home 1I love my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter so much, but here’s what it’s really like having them move back home temporarily.

There’s laundry, it’s just not the same. It’s not like I can just go in and do my laundry anymore, there’s 3 other baskets waiting in line. Being the mother that I am, I feel compelled to fold.

When my 9 year old granddaughter looks up to me and says, “Nanny can we throw my laundry in?” How could you ever say “no” to those beautiful blue eyes looking up at you with a smile on her face?

Then there is more vacuuming, cleaning and having to share the kitchen. Being an extremely picky housekeeper, it is so difficult to not have things perfect like normal. There could be a few dust particles on the counter and I’m trying (on the 3rd week) to actually look at it, turn, walk away and say “it’s okay.”

Then, at the end of my busy day, when I think I can curl up in my blanket on the 2nd floor at 9:30 pm…I see my dear, sweet son-in-law walking down to the 1st floor. I’m thinking, ‘please, please, please—I hope he isn’t going to play pool‘ All of the sudden…I hear the pool balls break.

So I continue to try to watch my movie, cringing every time the pool balls hit and I’m thinking to myself, should I go down there and say, “please don’t play pool…I’m tired” or not. But I know my son-in-law is happy playing pool and I don’t want him to not like me anymore. He says I’m his favorite mother-in-law and I think he loves me.

Moving back home 2

We have had a lot of laughs and fun; one of the pluses of having your children stay with you is getting more hugs and ‘I love yous.’ I really feel that it’s important to have good memories for all of us.

Things that Jen does that drive me nuts:

  1. She relaxes coming home because she knows that Mom will take care of everything.
  2. Does my daughter even cook?
  3. Does my daughter even clean?
  4. Does my daughter even wake up before 9am?
  5. Does my daughter even know how to empty the dishwasher? She said that she would prefer not to empty the dishes before she moved in, seriously she did.
  6. When I asked her to help me weed outside, she said that she doesn’t do “outside work” and instead offered to pay somebody to do it for me. She doesn’t work “outside”? Hmmmm. (see #3)
  7. When I’m complaining about the house getting dirty, she says to me, “Mommy, just make me a list and I’ll take care of it all.” Then I feel guilty for complaining and do it myself.
  8. The only time I see her is when she walks their dog, goes out to smoke or comes down to eat. So that means I get to play babysitter all the time (I love it though)
  9. She always asks me before she uses or borrows stuff, even a soda. It drives me nuts because I want them to feel comfortable here.
  10. They buy their own food, water, toilet paper…everything. They don’t want to put me out at all, even if I want to share.
  11. I wish she would just stay downstairs long enough to hang out.
  12. I finally found out what Jen does to get out of just about everything, all she has to do is look at me and say, “Mommy” and she’s already won.

Things that Kid does that drive me nuts:

  1. All I hear from my smart, little granddaughter all day is, “No offense Nanny, but….”
  2. There’s no escaping. Just when I think I’m leaving the house and getting away from it all, my granddaughter looks to me and says, “Nanny can I go? I really need to get out of the house.”
  3. She is always there.
  4. No more watching grown-up movies ever! It’s all SpongeBob, all the time.
  5. She corrects me all day long, my grammar, my manners and my driving. She tells me to stop looking at myself in the rear-view mirror and to watch the road.

Moving back home 3

Things that Honey does that drive me nuts:

  1. He hides; 10,000 square feet and he’s nowhere to be found.
  2. He’s a fabulous cook, but never makes enough for everybody. :-(
  3. He comes home with black hands and all I’m thinking is, ‘Oh crap! Is he touching the door knobs? Should I say anything or not?
  4. He’s always tired, which makes him unapproachable to ask him for help with things.


I am so excited for them to be buying their first house…I’m counting the days until they close. Aside from all the stuff, I’m so happy to be able to help them save money and prepare financially for home ownership—so that this never happens again. LOL; no…really!

There you have it, how it feels being on the other side. Does anybody else notice that my list was the longest? Seriously, it’s bigger than both Honey and Kid’s lists put together. Haha, I guess I’m not easy to live with. 😉 But she is used to living alone most of the time, so any invasion is a huge deal no matter what.

Creepily, my mom wants me to do a post about our side of living with her now, but that’s like opening Pandora’s Box. Everybody is telling her that it’s only fair because she did her venting, but who’s going to pay for us to stay in a hotel after she reads it? I’m just not so sure it’s a good idea…though it would clear up a lot of the things she mentioned above.

PS- Yes, I know that I take really crappy pictures. Aren’t you glad this isn’t one of those photography blogs? :-)


What kind of issues have you dealt with moving back home or having your kids move back home?

Does anybody else think it would be a bad idea to do a post about our side? 

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Living at Home—The Parent’s Perspective — 39 Comments

  1. I don’t have any experiences of moving back in with my parents after I moved out. I’m sure it would be a challenge for both sides though, especially if it’s been a while. It’s cool that she wrote up this post to discuss her side of it, but I do agree that posting your side might not be a good idea. Sometimes when someone is helping you out with something, it’s best to just keep some things quiet.
    Modest Money recently posted..4 Steps To Securing Your Credit After An Identity TheftMy Profile

  2. I think it is very generous of your parents to let you stay there and save money. But I do understand how difficult it is for 4 adults to all suddenly live under one roof and try to get along. It is like getting together with family for an extended vacation when you really wish they had only come for the weekend.
    Tackling Our Debt recently posted..Keep Your Heart Healthy – Cooking GuidelinesMy Profile

  3. I had moved back home after I had graduated from university. After spending a significant amount of time living away from home and doing my own thing, it took awhile to adjust to. My parents would always ask what I was doing, where I was going, who I was going with, what time I would be coming back. It was nice however living rent free and having free food. But I really needed my own space and when the time came that I could afford it, I jumped on it.
    MakintheBacon$ recently posted..The “Cycle”ology of Bike TransportationMy Profile

  4. Sounds like someone’s mom needs a big break! Yeeeesh! Mothers do so much without expecting anything in return, yet we often take that for granted and assume they’re perfectly happy to put up with us. “Does my daughter even know how to empty the dishwasher? She said that she would prefer not to empty the dishes before she moved in, seriously she did.” Jen!!! Funny post.
    Veronica @ Pelican on Money recently posted..How to Reverse Reward Program Psychology to Save Money by SpendingMy Profile

    • On the cleaning part, she was mostly referring to deep cleaning (like Spring cleaning) every month. We are picking up after ourselves and doing our own laundry.

      In my defense, about the dishes…I told her in exchange that I would clean all of the toilets (6) each week if I didn’t have to empty them. :-)
      Jen @ Master the Art of Saving recently posted..Closing, India & #Fincon12My Profile

      • I once read a note an old roommate left for his sister when she was watching his dog for him. On the topic of me, it read “he doesn’t really clean, he just tidies.” I’ve always been upset about that. The only common area I ever used myself was the kitchen, and I always left that place spotless I even scrubbed the cabinets on a regular basis. Plus, I was the only one in that house that ever did the dishes, so I feel I should get some credit if my general cleaning wasn’t up to whatever standard he held.
        Edward Antrobus recently posted..3 Job Search Tips for Recent GradsMy Profile

  5. This is funny – I’m glad you and your Mum can laugh about it!

    From a parents perspective my 22 year old son has been home for the summer and he’s driving me slightly crazy in all sorts of ways – lots already listed by your Mum! :)

  6. Be glad that your mom allowed you to stay with her until you can move in to your first home. I envy you. My mom would never allow it! It will be her biggest nightmare! She loves the quietness of her place and would definitely get upset when she hears me scream to my children to pick up their toys, shoes, uniforms, etc. or become their referees when one picks a fight with the other sibling.
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  7. My mum has let me back in many times over the years, in between countries and houses. While the door is always open, I try not to overstay my welcome, and wished she was as open as your mum, like when your says that you don’t hang out, I am sure she would love for me to just sit there and have a chat, so thanks Nanny for reminding me to spend more time with her and not just fill up the fridge!
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