Net Worth Update~ December 2011

Net worth update December 2011

After the big drop last month, I figured this month would be better…it’s better, but not good. I didn’t do much this last month, and the other factors are out of my control. That’s just how it is sometimes, at least I’m still trying to improve our net worth.

Emergency Fund: No change. Still sitting at $1,000.00 and that’s good with me.

Savings: Up $27.32. It’s not much, but better than nothing. I’m expecting next month to be similar because of Christmas coming up.

401K: Down $171.66. It could have dropped a lot more, so I’m not too upset about this. Maybe I should be since we contributed more than that over this last month, oh well.

Betterment: Up $21.50. I contributed a little, and finally got to a positive balance. I’m considering laying off contributions to this account for a while. There are more important places for our money at this time. I’m thinking retirement, saving for our trip and some additional savings. Maybe I’ll put a little in if we get some big paychecks.

Roth IRA: Up $25.00. One of my goals for November was to contribute at least $25.00 to our Roth IRA, at least I did that much. Even if we can’t put a lot in there, we’re getting into the habit of saving for retirement.

Pirates Gold: Up $1.00. Pretty impressive, lol. My dad came by a couple weeks ago and had one in his pocket. I’m still waiting for more, I know he’s got them. Still, a dollar is a dollar and it all adds up.

Operation SUV: Up $0.58. I’m so bad, this is only interest. I haven’t actually put anything into this account lately (not like you guys would be impressed by a 58 cent deposit anyways), I should since we pretty much drained it last month.

Car: Down $700.00.  KBB is out to get me this month, the value jumps around all the time, so it’s not big deal. It does make my net worth look bad, but what are you gonna do?

Evil Credit Card: Down $158.04. I’m super happy about this. I was hoping that I’d be able to pay this off by the end of the year, that’s not going to happen. Maybe if Christmas was in the spring or something. Too much going on with birthdays and Christmas to focus on eliminating it completely. I don’t think it’ll take much longer now, maybe a couple of months.


So, how did your Net Worth turn out this month? Have you done it yet???

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS

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