Were the November 2011 Goals Achieved?

Another month has passed, and it’s time to check back in on the goals I set for November 2011.

#1 Get my Alexa ranking under 110,000- FAIL (at the end of November, my Alexa ranking was 120,261. I’ve been stuck this month between 118k and 120k and now it’s around 122k. I’m thinking I just need more traffic to get it lower, easier said than done.) :-( 

#2 Submit at least 2 posts to blog carnivals- PASS (I actually submitted 3, but only one was chosen)

#3 Change my last name (got married over 2 years ago) with ING Direct so I can get ready to close my account at Bank of America- PASS (I did it, finally. It only took about 3 minutes by phone. I feel so silly for making it seem like a big inconvenience.)

#4 Figure out how to make money from my blog to cover my hosting fees- PASS (I’ve (reluctantly) added Google AdSense and sold a link. Hopefully between the two I’ll be able to cover the entire cost of hosting for my blog next time the bill is due. :-)

#5 Have 30 followers on Twitter- PASS (I had 31)  Thanks again everybody. :-)

#6 Get the Evil Credit Card balance under $550.00- PASS (It’s now down to $503.46)

#7 Save at least $20.00 in our Travel Fund- PASS (I saved exactly 20 bucks)

#8 Try to get our new luggage fixed or replaced- FAIL (I didn’t even try)

#9 Contribute at least $25.00 to our Roth IRAPASS (Exactly)

#10 Contribute at least $20.00 to our Betterment accountPASS (Exactly)

#11 Lose another 7 pounds this month- FAIL (I only lost 4 1/2 pounds, It was because of nutrition, not lack of exercise.)

#12 Take Roxy in to get her yearly shots- FAIL (I still haven’t even made the appointment, just being lazy)

#13 Get at least 17 workouts in this month- PASS (17 and then some, I was able to get in 21 workouts this month. :-) It’s amazing how great I feel on the days I exercise; gotta love those endorphins.)


How did you do on your goals?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Were the November 2011 Goals Achieved? — 8 Comments

  1. Hm.

    1. Lose another 5 pounds PASS
    2. Make enough money selling unwanted junk on eBay to pay for this fabulous antique I collect that is at auction 11/29. I’ve already sold $775 worth; the antique will probably be about $2000 (but who knows really since it’s an auction). WEEP. The antique went for $8800, not to me. I’m still very disappointed about it. I just loved it.
    3. Uh, get the stupid septic tank done? I need to call the contractor. PASS, the permit still isn’t in

    • 2 out of 3 is awesome, Harriet. $8,800, WOW! That must be some antique; I’m sorry you weren’t able to get it. :-(

    • Great job, Aaron! :-) So you and your new wife are wanting to buy a house…that’s cool. Good luck with your saving.

  2. Wow! Actually your goals sound almost accomplished. 17 workouts! 4.5 lbs lost? You kiddind me, that huge in my books! I am trying to drag myself to the gym. But it is so cold outside that I just cannot force myself. That’s major FAIL.

    • Thanks Aloysa. There’s lots of cardio-stuff you can do at home (where it’s nice and warm). Good luck trying to get to the gym, I hate going out when it’s really cold too. :-)

    • Playing soccer definitely counts as a workout. Exercise is addicting, the more I do…the better I feel—which makes me wanna do it the next day too. I never thought I would actually love it. Crazy stuff. :-)