Where Did The Dough Go? #19

Welcome to yet another weekly edition of “Where Did The Dough Go?”. Below you can get a completely open and honest view of what we’re spending money on, how much we’re saving, investing and putting away for retirement. Please feel free to learn from our financial mistakes if at all possible, it’s way better than making them yourself. ;-)

Friday 9th
+ $1,150.71 Honey’s Paycheck
-/+ $25.35 (transfer to savings = New Goal 50% of amount over Root Income)
$24.95 (whiskey for honey)
$96.25 (cigarettes)
– $43.01 (gas @ 3.759 per gallon)
– $632.50 (rent and bills)
-/+ $5.00 (transfer to Travel Fund I set up)
-/+ $20.00 (transfer to Betterment)
-/+ $10.00
(transfer to Roth IRA)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Saturday 10th
– $19.44
(beer for honey-rebate)
$12.98 (replacement slippers)
 $20.25 (24 pairs of socks for honey)
 $12.43 (household stuff)
 $60.03 (groceries)

Sunday 11th
– $7.94

Monday 12th
No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Tuesday 13th
No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Wednesday 14th
No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Thursday 15th
No real spending today :-)
– /+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Total Weekly Spending: $1,005.13
Pre-tax 401K Contributions $95.24


Savings $35.35
Groceries $67.97
Rent & Bills $632.50
Cigarettes $96.25
Alcohol $44.39
Gas $43.01
Puppy Expenses $12.98
Clothing $20.25
Other $12.43
Roth IRA contributions $10.00
Betterment contributions $20.00
Save 4 Car insurance $10.00

Left-over for remaining week $145.58

Not much going on this last week, less overtime = less money to work with. I know it probably looks odd that so far in September I’ve contributed $20 to our Betterment account and only $10 to our Roth IRA. Why would I be so scandalous  Don’t laugh…but I wanted to cross off one of my goals for September because it’s fun. I’d made goals regarding both the Betterment account ($20) and our Roth IRA ($50); since I couldn’t really afford to fully do the Roth IRA, I opted for the Betterment account. It felt great to cross it off though, hehe. Normally, I’d recommend putting money towards retirement first and then investing—but I’m not perfect. :-)

I told ya’ll that I was going to throw those new slippers onto Roxy’s expenses, that little butt-head. Gotta keep this short because my arm is killing me right now; I think I might have lifted my weights wrong this week. Hope you guys had a good week. :-)


How did your budget/spending go this week?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Where Did The Dough Go? #19 — 12 Comments

  1. Jen, I have been reading these for a couple weeks and can’t help but ask a question. Do you really transfer money every day to savings, or are you just breaking it up for illustration purposes. Do you transfer money to the designated accounts weekly, daily, etc? You’ve sparked my curiousity.

    • It’s kinda how I started getting into saving money and stuff. We could only afford 99 cents each week when I started. Also, it’s much easier to stop a larger deposit than tons of little ones. :-)

  2. This is very interesting. I think it is going to be great to watch you from week to week. This was my first one of these, so I am looking forward to it. Seems like the best days are the days you don’t spend money.

  3. I am with you with the small amounts being transferred. One week I’ll have 1K and others it is just $30.

    But holy shit $96 bucks on Cigs?! They are expensive in NY at 11 bucks a pack, but how many are you smoking a week! And JESUS QUIT!

    • I wish I could save 1,000 bucks any week. :-)

      Both me and my honey smoke, so usually about 1/2 of the expense of cigarettes is mine. I smoke almost/around a pack a day though and I do want to quit…just not right now. One day for sure. If they were 11 bucks a pack, I’d quit now—that’s just nuts.

      • Those 1K weeks are rare but when they happen it is AWESOME.

        You want to quit, just not now? Why not cut it down. A pack a day is a lot!

        • That would be awesome.

          Yeah, I’m thinking of slowly cutting down but I gotta get my honey on board with the plan. It would be really hard to do if he wasn’t too.