Where Did The Dough Go? #68

Welcome to another weekly edition of “Where Did The Dough Go?”. Below you can get a completely open and honest view of what we’re spending money on, how much we’re saving, investing and putting away for retirement. Please feel free to learn from our financial mistakes if at all possible, it’s way better than making them yourself. ;-)

Friday 17th
– $20.74 (groceries)
– $17.24 (beer 4 honey)
– $25.42 (school clothes)
– $6.94 (school supplies)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Saturday 18th
No spend day

Sunday 19th
– $27.65

Monday 20th
No spend day
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Tuesday 21st
– $20.00
(gas @ 3.999 per gallon)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Wednesday 22nd
– $6.47 (school supplies)
– $11.92 (household)
– $19.63 (groceries)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Thursday 23rd
No spend day
-/+ $2.03 (transfer leftovers to house fund)
-/+ $1.00
 (transfer to savings)
-/+ $1.00 (transfer to Xmas fund)
-/+ $2.00 (transfer to ING to save for Car insurance)

Total Weekly Spending: $178.04


Savings $12.03
Cigarettes $27.65
Household $11.92
School Supplies $13.41
Clothing $25.42
Alcohol $17.24
Groceries $40.37
Gas $20.00
Save 4 Car insurance $10.00

$$$ Entire Paycheck Totals $$$

Pre-tax 401K Contributions: $21.21
Income: $1,576.64
Investing/Retirement $25.00
Saving: $1,060.35
Spending: $491.29



weekly spending 68

Savings $1,060.35
Bills $85.05
Household $11.92
Cigarettes $116.98
House buying expenses $12.00
Groceries $77.58
School Supplies $13.41
Clothing $47.09
Gas $65.07
Alcohol $42.19
Roth IRA contributions $25.00
Save 4 Car insurance $20.00

Notes: That was close, we only came in $2.03 under budget. I really needed to get more groceries, but that will have to wait until payday—it’s not like we’re going to starve or anything.

Overall, I’m really happy about how we did this pay period. I hope things go just as well with our next paycheck, but I do have to pay for September’s storage, so we’ll see.

Have a great weekend everybody! :-)

How did your budgeting/spending go this week?

About Jen Perkins

Likes: saving money, being debt free (aside from our house), zombies, travel, getting money, blogging and dogs. Dislikes: debt, being broke, bunnies, wasting money, not having enough money to travel the world and paying interest. Facebook  ♥  Twitter  ♥  Google+  ♥  RSS


Where Did The Dough Go? #68 — 14 Comments

  1. I’ll beat Jai to the punch and give you heck for the cigarettes. Weren’t you mentioning to me that you were wanting to quit? Tsk tsk 😉
    That is great that you budget went well even though it is back to school time. I’m sure that can be pricey for a parent.
    Modest Money recently posted..August 24th 2012 Blog UpdateMy Profile

  2. I am amazed at how little you’ve spent. I spend almost more on gas every month than this entire budget. You are really doing a good thing getting your hands dirty keeping tracking of everything so closely. As more income builds, you’ll find that you won’t need to do that as much. But first things first.
    My Money Design recently posted..Asset Allocation Models from Author Daniel SolinMy Profile

  3. You rocked it with school supplies. We were doing really good until we go to the Dixie cups. Not a Dixie cup to be found in the whole town. I finally found 2 boxes of name brand ones, the last two at $3.99 a box. Generics were about $1 but sold out. Can’t they just drink out of the water fountain? I’ll plan ahead next year.
    Kim recently posted..I Have Joined the Yakezie Challenge!My Profile

  4. I’m always impressed in general when people manage to keep track of every dollar they spend – I just have different ‘columns’ for each category, the majority of which is kept as cash. Once they money is gone, its gone.

    I find that for things like alcohol, I’ll buy in batches, so it’s hard to track. I might go to a wine tasting and go to a winery and buy a bunch, but then not buy anything else for months, for example.
    CF recently posted..Contest: ID this plant!My Profile

    • I originally started tracking every penny because I wanted to see where our money was really going over time and then make a fool-proof budget.

      I do the same thing (buying in batches) when I find a good deal on certain grocery or household items. It does make it difficult to accurately track unless you just average it out over time. :-)
      Jen recently posted..Buying Our First House: Other CostsMy Profile